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7 Responses to bikes

  1. Mrs Salter says:

    Hi Javon.
    I once went to watch a World Super Bikes event at Brands Hatch. It was quite scary they went so fast.

  2. Sarah says:

    I agree that these bikes look scary to ride!

  3. Michael says:

    hi javon I like to watch speed bikes drive and your blog looks exiting so I cannot wait to see more like your blog.

  4. Mrs Trowles says:

    I think it must be quite difficult to keep your balance when you go round corners

  5. Miss Greenwood says:

    Hi Javon,
    These bikes look really scary I don’t think I would be able to watch as I would think the rider is going to fall off , I’m looking forward in seeing what else you might blog about these fast bikes.

  6. Katie says:

    Wow javon i am spech lass i love them so much

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