AUTUMN 5 SC week 2

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5 Responses to AUTUMN 5 SC week 2

  1. Karen says:

    I love how you wrote about autumn. I can feel it, hear it and see it. Great choices of visual images.

  2. Bryn says:

    Really impressed…your words certainly describe what it’s like today.
    Keep on keeping on…

  3. Mrs Skinner says:

    Wow Lennon! This is stunning writing. My favourite part was the leaves coming from the trees. I hope they don’t all fall together as it makes them look bare. Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous writing with us!

  4. Tyler Smith says:

    Lennon, there is a lovely use of language to describe your senses. There are also a lot of amazing adjectives throughout your writing. Next time you could try and use some more adverbs to describe what is happening. Keep up the good work and keep sharing your writing!

  5. Tyler Smith says:

    Lennon, you have used a lot of amazing language to describe your sense in your writing. There are also a lot of lovely adjectives which help me to imagine what you are writing about. Maybe next time you could use some more adverbs to describe how things are happening. Keep up the good work!

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